No. WP Objectives + Description / Task Description
WP1 | Objectives: 1) Distribution of work among partners, coordination of tasks, monitoring the progress and taking the mitigation measures once the chances for delay are noticed. 2) Continuous coordination and execution of the project, related to co-operation within consortium, scientific and practical achievements, and budget and intellectual property rights matters 3) Coordination between consortium members the secretariat and national funding bodies. |
T1.2 | Description: This task includes the day-to-day management activities and continuity of interface of the project with funding bodies. In includes: contract, legal and financial management, coordination of knowledge management, quality management, maintaining centralized control of the project configuration, risk management and submitting analysis to the project coordinator, as well as secretarial support. The project office is led by the project coordinator Jakub Montewka. |
WP2 | Objectives: 1) Concept development of 2D the safety criterion, supported by the experts’ knowledge elicited in the course of online and peer-to-peer survey. Development of the survey. 2) Design and development of 3D ship’s domain including the bathymetric profile of the surrounding area, dynamic motions of the vessel, survey accuracy. 3) Developing of simulation environment evaluating the minimum area required for safe evasive maneuvers in 3D. Implementation of the proposed safety criterion into the simulation software. 4) Designing of the scenarios for ship-ship encounters in the high seas and restricted waters like coastal areas. Coding the scenarios in the simulation environment. 5) Analyzing the results, yielding the safety criterion for a given type of boundary conditions. |
T2.1 | Description: Relevant scenarios and collision evasive action strategies are identified, as well as parameters of the manoeuver that is known to navigators and practiced on a daily basis, thus are considered safe. To this end survey will be developed and conducted. The survey will be carried out in two modes: online and in person. The former will utilize the knowledge that is distributed worldwide, through the professional network of the applicants. The latter will be adopted by GMU and WUAS within their premises, to utilize their internal expertise. The survey in person will be accompanied by simulation-based studies, using some standard scenarios to be defined and implemented in ship-handling simulators. Simulation experiments will be used to analyse the factors influencing the dimensioning of the comfort zone. Moreover, the results from the analysis of simulation trials will be compared with results gained from online surveys and personal interviews and on the other hand with hydrodynamic abilities/manoeuvring characteristics of the own ship. Responsible applicant GMU; partner WUAS, JAK, Nautitec |
T2.2 | Description: Ship’s safety domain is anticipated to feature outer and inner boundaries. The outer boundary refers to the comfort zone of a navigator, where s/he intends to initiate the collision evasive maneuvers. This is obtained in the course of experts’ knowledge elicitation process carried out in Task 2.1. The inner boundary delineates the area required by the ship to perform evasive action, and is obtained in the course of a series of simulated ship-ship encounters with the use of ship motion model. The shape of inner boundary is determined by the hydrodynamics of the ship and the encounter arrangement. Responsible applicant GMU; partners WUAS |
T2.3 | Description: In this task the concept of 2D domain developed in Task 2.2 is expanded further with the third dimension, namely under keel clearance (UKC). To this end vertical movements of the vessel will be taken into consideration, with the use of advanced method based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD), resulting in dynamic UKC. Inclusion of the third dimension in the ship’s safety domain intends to improve the selection of manoeuvering strategies, ensuring the depth of the sea is appropriate for a given manoeuver, accounting for the dynamic phenomenon associated with ship transit through the seaway, such as pitching, rolling, heaving or squat. Responsible applicant GMU; partners WUAS |
T2.4 | Description: Therein the strategies for evasive actions obtained in Task 2.1. are incorporated and the massive number of scenarios are calculated to deliver dimensions of ship’s safety domain. The simulations will be conducted for predefined set of controlled variables and boundary conditions, such as loading and stability conditions of the ship, weather conditions, bathymetric profile of the area, type of evasive maneuvers. To this end the state-of-the-art numerical model of ship dynamics is adopted. As a result a wide range of ship’s safety domain is calculated for a set of input parameters. Responsible applicant GMU; partners WUAS |
T2.5 | Description: To quantify the ship’s safety domain for an evasive action for given encounter scenario that is dynamically updated, we organize the data obtained in the course of 2.4 into a meta-model. Two meta-models are prepared for 2D and 3D-domain respectively. The task will result in delivering the safety criterion, that is suitable for operational decision support tool. Suitable method to develop meta-model, allowing instant reasoning in the presence of uncertainty will be selected in the course of the project. Responsible applicant GMU; partners WUAS |
T2.6 | Description: On the basis of the results for the ship-centric approach a concept will be developed, how the safety criterion materialized as comfort zones and the minimum manoeuvring limits of own ships respectively can be transferred and integrated into displays of shore-based stations monitoring and organizing vessel traffic to improve their services and support maritime safety. User cases for different technical infrastructures, taking particularly into account e-Navigation developments, will be identified and detailed case studies will be carried out to define prerequisites for implementation. Participating observations will be used to develop guidance for good practice of operational integration. Responsible applicant WUAS; partners IN, JAK, GMU |
WP3 | Objectives: 1) Implementation and testing of the safety criterion in the onboard DST facilitating collision evasive action. 2) Implementation and testing of the safety criterion in the shore-based traffic control station. 3) Investigation of the application of safety criteria for strategic risk assessment |
T3.1 | Description: Based on the results of WP2, the developed criterion will be implemented, as an additional layer of information to ENC-class software (onboard DST) that is developed by NavSim. First, a software functional design will be prepared by GUT team. Then the algorithms for determining safety criteria (dynamical ship domains) for a given ship and navigational situation will be designed. Two versions of those algorithms will be prepared. The first one will be oriented on accuracy and precise modelling of ship’s maneuverability and will be based on the results of Tasks 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 realized by GMU and WUAS. The second version will be focused on reducing computational time and will be developed based on meta-models from Task 2.5 (also by GMU and WUAS). The algorithms will then be implemented by GUT’s team as prototype software, which will be run and tested in GUT’s virtual environment. Following this, based on the prototype software, documentation and provided code, the true implementation of the safety criteria in the ENC-class software will be made by NavSim with GUT team’s assistance. The resulting integrated software tool will then be placed on board a seagoing ship owned by GMU for real environment testing and feedback gathering from the prospective group of end-users. Responsible leader: GUT; partners: NavSim, WUAS, GMU |
T3.2 | Description: Using the outcome of Task 2.6 the concept for technical integration of the ship-centric solution into work environment of shore-based services will be defined and an experimental system will be specified, developed and established to simulate availability of the safety criterion at a shore-based workstation. Its implementation on the developed safety criterion in the tool suitable for the shore-based use for the maritime traffic surveillance. Testing phase and feedback gathering from the prospective group of end-users. Responsible leader: WUAS; partners: IN, GMU |
T3.3 | Description: In this task the feasibility of developed solution beyond its intended area of application (operational safety) is studied. The potential for the ship safety domain concept transferability to the field of strategic risk assessment for the sea areas is studied and solid grounds for such transferability are sought. The risk of accident can be assessed through the number of close encounters referred as near-miss for a given sea area. This can be found through the analysis of ship safety domain violations in AIS traffic data. The safety criterion will be applied in combination with sample sets from global databases to research potentials of different approaches for identifying situations of intended and unintended encounters with higher level of risks. This is of interest of service providers especially in order to assess safety management systems of companies and individual ships respectively. This research is driven by clients from ship insurance companies in order to enhance rating and pricing of their service packages. It is expected that the application of the safety criterion will be feasible to play a key role for this purpose. An environment for desktop experiments will be designed for desktop simulations and a set of studies using recorded data will be conducted. |
WP4 | Objectives: 1) Development dissemination and exploitation plan including promotional strategies 2) Ensuring continuous dialogue with stakeholders and end-users 3) Promoting, disseminating and exploiting the results of the project to ensure scientific and end-user impact. |
T4.1 | Description: To ensure dialogue with and awareness of the project activities by stakeholders and end-users a dissemination and promoting strategy will be developed. The dissemination plan is to ensure that project will reach out to all relevant stakeholder groups, shipping industry, policy makers and maritime sector. The project dissemination strategy will cooperate with professional communication media to ensure a higher potential impact of the project to a large audience, in order, that project activities will be mirrored for the whole shipping and maritime industry. This will be realised by being continuously reported e.g. in company-owned as well as professional magazines. Responsible leader: WUAS; partners: All |
T4.2 | Description: The main aim of the task is to strengthen and promote the profile of the organisations involved in the project. To this end project results from research studies as well as developed tools and techniques will be made publicly available. This will be ensured through various channels e.g. project website, social media, leaflets, conference and fair attendance as well as publications in scientific and commercial journals and magazines, such as SEAWAYS, Solutions or Ports & Harbours. In order to ensure the dialogue with stakeholders, two events in the course of project are anticipated, interim and final, for demonstration of dissemination of the results. Members of a stakeholder group (including representatives from Ministries of Transportation, Waterway and Shipping Administrations and Professional Association (Ship owners, Pilots, Classification Societies etc.) of the involved countries will be asked to serve as steering group ensuring consultation and advice but also forwarding relevant results to policy making organizations and institutions. Responsible partner: WUAS, partners GMU, GUT, NavSim, IN, JAKOTA and Nautitec |
T4.3 | Description: The main aim of this task is to ensure the utilisation of results in developing, creating and marketing a product, creating and providing a service, and in standardisation activities. The former relates to the enhancement of the existing IT solution for navigation that the industrial partners involved in the project already poses. However development of skills, enhancement of expertise within the academic partners involved in the project and staff development (at least two PhD theses and diploma theses to be pursued) can be considered exploitation activities as well. When it comes to the standarisation activities, this will be done by universities involved on the forum of International Maritime Organization through its national representatives in Poland and Germany. The partners will communicate to the IMO on the final development of the project. Responsible partner: GMU, partners WUAS, GUT, NavSim, IN, JAKOTA and Nautitec |